Questing Heirs Genealogical Society Newsletter, Volume 39, Number 4 (April 2006), Page 28:
Mary Frances, a long-time resident of Belmont Heights, died in Long Beach at the age of 96 on February 24, 2006. She was born in Davis City, Decatur County, Iowa on October 17, 1909, a descendant of pioneer families.
She and her brother, Charles Kenneth Reger, began their education in a one-room rural school in Decatur County, being taught by their Aunt Lois Rudibaugh Shelton. In 1924 the Reger family moved to Iowa City, where Mary Frances attended Iowa City High School, graduated from the University of Iowa, and subsequently earned a Masters Degree in Social Work. She was affiliated with the Kappa Delta National Sorority for over 75 years.
From 1930-36, she was with the Iowa City Unified School District and, from 1936-42, the Iowa Child Welfare Research Station at the University of Iowa. From 1942-46, she was involved in the World War II effort with the American National Red Cross (Military and Naval Welfare Dept.) and later with the Long Beach American Red Cross Home Service. She retired in 1974 after 27 years of service with the Los Angeles County Children’s Services and the California Department of Social Welfare (Adoptions).
After her retirement, Mary Frances became deeply involved in various volunteer services (26 years with Long Beach Memorial Hospital) and genealogy research. [She was a member of Questing Heirs from 1985 until her death.] She compiled the Ancestral Record Book—Reger Ellis/Rudibaugh Craig and Those Who Joined by Marriage, which she donated to the Leon Public Library in Decatur County, Iowa, on her 90th birthday.
The above from her obituary in the Press-Telegram.