Our September Meeting

Sunday, September 20, 2020

Join us for Sara Cochran‘s presentation on the 1890 U. S. Census. Please note that while we are meeting via Zoom, the meeting will open at 12:30pm for socializing, and the presentation will start at 1pm. Board meetings will be held after the presentations.

About the presentation

Who Needed it Anyway? Getting Around the Missing 1890 Census

The loss of the 1890 Federal census is a source of great frustration for American genealogists, but all hope is not lost! Learn strategies and gather tips for success in locating your family in other records between the 1880 and 1900 Federal censuses.

About Sara Cochran

Sara Cochran has been conducting genealogical research for 25 years, and her research has taken her into nearly every state in the USA as well as Ireland, Italy, Austria, and Britain. She holds a Boston University Genealogical Research Certificate, a Bachelor Degree in Library Science, and is an alumnus of the ProGen Study Group. She especially enjoys breaking down brick walls for her clients, discovering the stories of black sheep ancestors, and helping individuals preserve their photographic legacy.

President’s message – September

Our August Zoom meeting included 43 genealogy interested people. Most were our members with a few visitors. It was suggested that we meet a half hour before the meeting to visit with each other just like our refreshment time at regular meetings. So, our Social Time will start at 12:30 pm followed by our announcements at 1:00 pm and then our speaker.

It was also suggested that we turn off our video during the presentation as it helps free up the internet connection and bandwidth. After the presentation, the Board has their meeting. At this time you are welcome to leave the meeting or stay if you like.

We still need a member to take over the newsletter duties. If you are willing to do this, please contact me or Janice Miller.

You can find our contact information in the member directory, or send an email to QuestingHeirs@gmail.com.

Christina “Tina” McKillip