Questing Heirs Genealogical Society Newsletter, Volume 44, Number 9 (September 2011):
As mentioned last month, Betty Bell passed away on 27 June 2011. Besides being a beloved sister, wife, mother, grandmother and great-grandmother, during her life she was also a teacher, aeronautical engineer, public speaker, mentor, and world traveler. Betty Bell was a member of Questing Heirs from 1993, leading the Beginning Class at one time and serving as Historian for our group. The following excerpt from a message she left to her heirs summarizes her deep interest in genealogy:
“I have few luxuries to leave to my heirs. My business is gone, items of value gone, sentimental things are worthless without their history known. About the only thing of any interest to the children (Baby Boomers) or their children (my blessed grandbabies—now emerging adults) is to acquaint them with their roots—their family history that’s my legacy to my family … We’ve got royalty and workers, fighters and military figures, inventors, designers, writers, musicians, talented and unskilled people behind us—whatever their faith, qualities, concerns, health or happenstance—because they lived and bore children we are alive. That’s where we came from. That’s who we are besides what we have made of ourselves.”